Project Cubert

    The Challenge

    Our client, Colebrook Bosson Saunders (CBS), approached us to take the original concept from inception into high volume production for the commercial consumer market.

    Cubert uniquely combines the ability to power and charge portable devices with a touch dimmable LED desk light.

    The shared goal was to blend CBS’s ergonomic design philosophy with Plextek’s electronics design and manufacturing capability to create a unique product, while satisfying the quality, cost and robustness demands of high volume production and the competitive commercial market.

    cubert electronics design and manufacturing capability
    Cubert lamp & charger

    The Approach

    Plextek liaised directly with test houses on the client’s behalf to define and obtain necessary approvals.

    With an understanding of commercial market requirements, Plextek designed the electrical solution to worldwide safety and EMC regulatory standards from the outset, without impacting the product capability or cost.

    Cubert includes a number of circuit boards, custom embedded software and custom components – all designed, created, tested and managed by Plextek.

    The Approach

    Plextek liaised directly with test houses on the client’s behalf to define and obtain necessary approvals.

    With an understanding of commercial market requirements, Plextek designed the electrical solution to worldwide safety and EMC regulatory standards from the outset, without impacting the product capability or cost.

    Cubert includes a number of circuit boards, custom embedded software and custom components – all designed, created, tested and managed by Plextek.

    The Outcome

    Our solution enabled CBS to deliver a unique user-centric device. Plextek’s electronics, software and manufacturing capabilities realised CBS’s vision without compromising the compact and aesthetic form.

    Cubert is an award winning smart electronic device which has enabled CBS to expand into new markets, provide existing clients with an exciting new product, and create new customer bases worldwide.

    Cubert-product design bedtime